Channel: SuperiorSinging
Category: Music
Tags: 30 day singing challengehow to sing betterlearn to sing30 day vocal challengevocal warm up exercisessinging lessonsvocal tipsvocal warm upsvocal trainingdaily vocal warm upsday 9vocal training lessonssing for 30 days30 days of singingsingingsinging for 30 daysvocal lessonsonline singing lessonsvocal training tipshow to singsuperior singing methodcan anyone learn to singvocal challengelearn to sing betterimprove your singing
Description: Today we're on Day 9 of our 30 Day Superior Singing Method Vocal Challenge where Emily and I are going to bring you a vocal lesson each morning at 9am PST. Day 9 is a simple vocal breathing exercise I love called the 5 finger candle blowout. This exercise is all about activating your diaphragmatic breathing. I love this exercise because you can do this anywhere. There’s no music or following along vocals needed. It’s simply about taking those large quick breaths from your diaphragm with an activated core. Just be sure you’re breathing from your diaphragm as opposed to higher chest breathing. Keep your core engaged and really push that air in and out quickly. Give this exercise a shot and try it a few times at least. If you start feeling dizzy, give yourself a break before jumping back in. Doing this even 5 times a day can really help you with your overall breath support. Remember breath support is often a very overlooked aspect of singing but incredibly critical to your success as a singer so it’s something we want to continually work on even if it’s not the sexiest vocal exercise you could do. Let us know in the COMMENTS how you did! Have you ever tried the 5 finger candle blow out before? And if you're new to the channel be sure to SUBSCRIBE with NOTIFICATIONS turned on so you’re notified each day when the next video drops so you can stay up to date on new vocal content. Also, if you haven’t yet be sure to take our free #Singing Killer Quiz below. Join over 1.5 Million people that took my Singing Killer Quiz to find and correct their #1 Singing Killer and unlock their singing potential! Click the link to take my FREE SINGING KILLER QUIZ here: If you’re interested in going further and faster in your singing career, I’d highly recommend grabbing my full 8-week Superior Singing Method course that over 75,000 students worldwide have taken. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, you can just log in and have access to all the high-quality singing lessons along with audio exercises you can take with you on the go! Go here to find more information or to purchase Superior Singing Method today: #30dayvocalchallenge #singingfor30days #singingchallenge #vocalchallenge #30daysofsinging #30daysofvocallessons #30daysofsinginglessons #singfor30days #5fingercandleblowout